Members practising how to produce our play’s name
Photo Credit: Catholic Junior College
Many helping hands in our warm-up
Photo Credit: Catholic Junior College
Actors getting into the right frame of mind
Photo Credit: Catholic Junior College
A stunning rehearsal where acting skills were displayed!
Photo Credit: Catholic Junior College
One of the best parts of acting is the people you get to work with, and we're lucky that we often can't distinguish between scripted laughter and genuinely funny times
Photo Credit: Hwa Chong Institution (College)
The hardest parts of rehearsal were coordinating movement, and as you can see, we didn't always have it all together
Photo Credit: Hwa Chong Institution (College)
Our Drama coach demonstrates the finer points of dealing with a useless piece of junk
Photo Credit: Nanyang Junior College
Warm-ups for the cast
Photo Credit: Nanyang Junior College
Re-creating The Car from the only known images of its model
Photo Credit: Nanyang Junior College
Death comes in small packages at a big price
Photo Credit: Raffles Institution
Cigarettes have style! S-T-Y-L-E
Photo Credit: Raffles Institution
Double double, toil and trouble... the witches are up to no good
Photo Credit: National Junior College
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